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Vectran Fibre | IRB Pty
Microscopic View | Vectran Fibre | IRB Pty

Vectran® is spun from a liquid crystal polymer in a melt extrusion process. This high tenacity fibre is a result from this process orienting the molecules along the fibre. With its high heat resistance Vectran® fibre is essential in many applications where high friction loading would melt lesser fibres.


Vectran® is 10x stronger than aluminium and 5x stronger than steel. It has excellent creep and abrasion resistant. Vectran® has minimal moisture absorption and is chemically resistant. It has outstanding cut resistant and high impact strength.


Although Vectran® can lose some strength over a prolonged period when exposed to direct sunlight, covering the Vectran® core with a 100% polyester cover protects the valuable core, and extends the life of the product many times over. Advantages of Vectran® over Dyneema® are less stretch, no creep and high strength and high heat resistance properties.

Vecrtan Fibre Chart | Vectran Fibre | IRB Pty
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